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VLC Media Player

You have to have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of VLC Media Player. Either that or you just never bothered to have a good experience with your digital life. How many times have you gotten angry with your media player because it can’t play a certain file? Many times, right? Well, VLC is here to change all that and you can get it on VideoLAN.org/VLC. Now, before we get into how you can use this tool and what the benefits of using it are, let me just tell you that I’m not gonna judge you when it comes to the reason for using it.

Get ready to finally marathon through your porn stash
I’m well aware that you’ve got an insane porn stash on your computer and you’re just aching for a good media player with which you’ll be able to watch all your favorite videos. Well, guess what, that media player is here in the form of VLC and it can play whatever you need it to play, and it’s going to do it really well. No more bugs, no more problems, VLC will have your back and you’ll always have support from the guys over at VideoLAN.org when you get the program. Mind you, the entire thing is free, so it would be nice to support the guys by making a donation to their amazing cause.
A little bit of history, back when VLC was an academic baby
The whole thing started out as an academic project back in 1996. Just with this fact alone, you can tell that this media player has been worked on a lot. It’s stable as hell and you can expect to be able to watch all of your favorite porn on it without it giving you any trouble. I mean, after so much time of updating it and improving the software, it would be a shame if it didn’t run as well as it’s supposed to. Luckily, it does, and that’s why so many people are using it today.
It was taken over from the students that were working on the project and rewritten completely in 1998, and then it got released under the GNU General Public License in 2001, making it so that anyone can download it and use it however they want to. Of course, the project itself wasn’t finished just yet, this just meant that other people could work on it if they so desired for free. It wouldn’t be until 2009, after 13 years of development, that VLC would finally be released as version 1.0.0, and two years after that it also got released on Android.

You can’t miss the link to download VLC, it’s everywhere
Alright, enough history. What are we, a bunch of nerds? Get out of here with all of that and tell me about what this program actually has to offer. Well, to actually get to the program we’re going to have to battle through the website, and that won’t be a challenge at all, seeing as how well this place is made. It looks really modern, and it’s incredibly simple to use. You’ve got download links showered all over the place to make it easy for you to download the program and install it. And no, I don’t mean those ads with the download image on them that are actually a scam.
No ads here, just an amazing offer that you just can’t refuse
In fact, this entire site is ad-free. Not only are they providing all of this for free, but they aren’t even relying on ads to turn a profit. It just goes to show that people’s passions can really turn into something great when they put their minds to it and it doesn’t have to have a commercial benefit. Just for that, these guys deserve a donation and you should support them every step of the way. Bravo VideoLAN.org, it’s not often that we see projects like VLC, let alone see them handed out for free.
Even though it’s free and open-source, it’s still amazing in quality
And if you’re coming in with the preconceived notion that you’re going to get a shitty program because it’s free, you’re in for a hell of a surprise. VLC is not only one of the best programs for media, but it has also basically been the media player powerhouse ever since it was released. It still supports the most formats out of any media player without you having to download any extra codecs. All you have to do is install the program itself and you’re ready to enjoy countless hours of fun with watching films, series, or (let’s be real for a second) porn.
No user tracking, no spyware, just a stable media player
Some people might also have the idea that, just because VLC is free, that it has to have some kind of way that it’s profiting off you. Maybe they’re pulling a Facebook on you and making you pay with your data! Well, you’ll be relieved to hear that not only does this program not give out your data, it doesn’t even collect your data, to begin with. That’s right, VLC has no user tracking implemented into the program, and it’s only designed to play media, and nothing else.
And, of course, there’s no spyware here. In fact, you’re going to deal with one of the most stable open-source programs out there. So many open source and free programs end up being trash, but this one really stands out as one of the best media players out there. It can just play so many different media formats that you’ll be wondering where this bitch was your whole life. It’s like meeting your soulmate, except VLC will never decide to leave you. It doesn’t cheat, and it just stays on your computer, ready to be used whenever you want it.

The design looks really nice, even though you’ll see it only once
Before we go into Rule 34 territory with a fucking traffic cone, I just want to say that VideoLAN.org has a lot more going for it than just the program itself. While VLC is the real deal and that’s the only reason you’re on the website, to begin with, can we just take a moment to appreciate the amazing design of this website. VideoLAN.org really has everything going for it. Everything is in its proper place, and finding VLC is as easy as clicking on a link in the drop-down menu for that specific program.
Amazing features that come along with the VLC player
If we want to get nerdy for a second here, we can also talk about the fact that VLC has hardware decoding. It can fall back on the software if it needs to, but it also supports 0-copy on the GPU. Not only that, but it’s also got one of the most complete feature-sets out of all the different media players out there. It’s got advanced controls as well as plenty of other goodies just waiting for you. It’s also got the ability to support advanced video formats as well.
Overall, VideoLAN.org is the only place to get VLC. And there’s just not a good enough reason for you not to get VLC I can tell you that much immediately. And even if you think that you’re doing just fine with your current media player, switching to VLC will be like night and day for you, I can promise you that. Get ready to have one of the most complete media experiences out of all the different options out there and be extra ready not to pay a cent for it, cause the guys over at VideoLAN.org are just that baller. Check VLC out at VideoLAN.org!


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