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FreeOnes Bo
The FreeOnes forum just might be as much fun as the rest of their website, depending on what you’re into. They call themselves the “Ultimate babe site since 1998,” which is more than just an empty brag. Just the fact that they’ve been around since the twentieth century says a lot about the quality of the smut they’re peddling, as do their traffic stats, with close to eight million perverts stopping by last month. A discussion board of any type is only as good as its members, so it’s nice to see a healthy volume of perverts around here.
I’ve mentioned FreeOnes.com a time or two here at ThePornDude, as they’re one of the original pornstar databases and a pretty solid source of free masturbatory content. Their forum is a worthy extension of their brand, offering smut fans a thriving hub of conversation on all things pornographic. Pretty much all my friends are absolute sexual deviates, porn addicts and compulsive masturbators, so I knew right away I was going to be in good company. Let me tell you all about my visit today.
Chitchat with a Million Likeminded Pervs
When I say the Free Ones forum is thriving, I really mean that. The traffic stats I listed may be mildly misleading, since most of those visitors ain’t heading to bulletin boards, but a lot of them are. I’m whipping up this review on a Monday afternoon and there are nearly a thousand users online. The forum doesn’t require registration just to browse, so most of the users are just guests. Only 27 of the current visitors are members, which hints at what’s in store; there are a lot more people fapping than sharing.
Even though it’s just a minority of users actually posting, they stay busy as hell. As of this writing, there are over 11 million messages posted by nearly a million members in almost as many threads. Sometimes I’m really in awe of the internet. A hundred years ago, you’d need a fucking building just to house the pornographic content and conversation contained on this message board alone. Times sure have changed.
Visually, the FreeOnes.com forum looks like pretty much any other forum. I do suspect they’ve gone through an occasional upgrade over the decades, though, as they don’t look as crusty as some of the other long-lived sites out there. The color scheme, gradients and overall presentation feel modern enough, but at the end of the day, it’s still a forum. The text-based format hasn’t changed much over the years, and doesn’t require much sparkle to function properly.
What’s the Good Word, and Is It Sexy?
I actually looked at the traffic before I looked at the breakdown of subforums, so I was a little bit surprised by what I found. Most of the adult message boards I review around here focus on file sharing, especially the more popular ones. With a million users, I’d wrongly assumed this was going to be another porno swap meet.
Seems I was painting with too broad a brush. The FreeOnes.com discussion forum hosts a wide variety of sex- and porn-related conversations. While you will find a ton of X-rated pics and videos, this isn’t the kind of forum where every post has a Keep2Share link to download a movie. I feel like the setup of the average forum lends itself to collectors looking to settle in for a fap a little later after a download session, while the FreeOnes forum will be of more use to those who are horny right now.
The breakdown of Free Ones subforums is a bit different than you find on the typical porn-sharing forums. I think it’s simpler. They’ve got the expected About subs for FAQs, updates, news, help and legal concerns, though there’s very little activity in any of them. There’s also a handful of forums labeled For The Curious, where you’ll find discussions on shemale pornstars and gay porn sites.
Most of the activity takes place in a batch of subforums simply labeled FreeOnes. Watch That Video is one of the most popular subforums here, with close to half a million messages in threads with titles like Interracial Lesbian Clips, Pantyhose Ripping, Hairy Women and Anal Penetration. As you’ve probably guessed, the posts consist of porn and discussions about that porn.
One of the things that really strikes me about the FreeOnes.com forum is that it really is a genuine discussion board. There’s very little chitchat on the average adult message board, but this place is full of fans and connoisseurs voicing their opinion. A Watch That Video thread on lesbian anal scenes offers not just examples, but recommendations on starlets who perform these types of scenes.
Porn Nerds Almost as Knowledgeable as Myself
Other boards under the Free Ones banner include such self-explanatory discussions as Favorite Babes, Identify/Name the Babe, Erotic Stories and Fantasies and Celebrity News. The most popular sub is Games and Stuff, which is kind of ironic because most of the threads talk about SFW games. They’ve also got a board for Adult Pay Site Reviews, just in case you need a second or third opinion after reading what I’ve got to say here at ThePornDude.
I got curious if anybody had written up a review of my other site, PornDudeCasting. Nobody has done a full writeup just yet, but I did find some fans writing about my work on the Favorite Babes and Watch That Video boards. There are dozens of messages about PornDudeCasting, typically containing at least a little bit of content to shake your dick at.
The wealth of free content is definitely one of the big draws for the Free Ones forums. While download links are relatively rare compared to elsewhere, almost every post is full of nudie pics and sex videos. Content is often offsite, so you’ll have to follow a link and open a new tab, which shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for anybody but the most OCD weirdos.
For example, somebody mentioned my video with Jessica Starling in a thread about titfucks with hands-free finish. The poster included a RedGifs link so you can watch me stuffing my hot dog between her buns until they’re thoroughly sauced. A thread about Sarah Jessie on the Favorite Babes board included a link to her scene on PornDudeCasting. Even if you haven’t signed up for an account, you still get a 47-second sample of me nailing the gal. Likewise in threads about Savannah Bond, Aria Valenica, Penelope Kay, Coco Lovelock and a bunch of other visitors I’ve had. (What can I say? I’m a stud!)
The FreeOnes forum is a hell of a resource for masturbators for a variety of reasons. It’s obviously useful as a smut source if you’re actively cranking off, but I’m also impressed by the sheer volume of actual information you’ll find here. Boards like Porn Scene and Model Requests, as well as Name the Babe, can help fans figure out who their favorite starlets are and find more of that precious masturbatory gold.
Case in point, somebody last month was looking for a video they once saw of Little Caprice fucking an old guy. They’d seen GIFs but couldn’t find the full scene anywhere. Their question went unanswered for two weeks, at which point somebody else posted a link to the original video, along with some bad news: the images that had enticed OP in the first place had been doctored, because she doesn’t actually blow a grandpa in the original scene.
Free Ones ain’t the only forum where people post questions like this, but it is one of the only ones where the questions actually get answered regularly. I see so many unfulfilled Request threads on other forums that it’s almost a joke at this point. Bump. Bump. Bump. Is anybody reading this? Bump. Bump. Please, I know somebody knows who she is! Bump. Anybody?
The FreeOnes.com message board is one of few I can point out where actual discussion is taking place. That alone is going to make it more appealing to porn fans who appreciate a bit of chatter with their nudes and sex scenes, as well as making it a go-to spot for those trying to put a name to a face or a pair of boobs. Like any good adult forum, it's also a goldmine of explicit content, with porn fans constantly sharing their stashes and gushing about their favorites.
I’ve mentioned FreeOnes.com a time or two here at ThePornDude, as they’re one of the original pornstar databases and a pretty solid source of free masturbatory content. Their forum is a worthy extension of their brand, offering smut fans a thriving hub of conversation on all things pornographic. Pretty much all my friends are absolute sexual deviates, porn addicts and compulsive masturbators, so I knew right away I was going to be in good company. Let me tell you all about my visit today.
Chitchat with a Million Likeminded Pervs
When I say the Free Ones forum is thriving, I really mean that. The traffic stats I listed may be mildly misleading, since most of those visitors ain’t heading to bulletin boards, but a lot of them are. I’m whipping up this review on a Monday afternoon and there are nearly a thousand users online. The forum doesn’t require registration just to browse, so most of the users are just guests. Only 27 of the current visitors are members, which hints at what’s in store; there are a lot more people fapping than sharing.
Even though it’s just a minority of users actually posting, they stay busy as hell. As of this writing, there are over 11 million messages posted by nearly a million members in almost as many threads. Sometimes I’m really in awe of the internet. A hundred years ago, you’d need a fucking building just to house the pornographic content and conversation contained on this message board alone. Times sure have changed.
Visually, the FreeOnes.com forum looks like pretty much any other forum. I do suspect they’ve gone through an occasional upgrade over the decades, though, as they don’t look as crusty as some of the other long-lived sites out there. The color scheme, gradients and overall presentation feel modern enough, but at the end of the day, it’s still a forum. The text-based format hasn’t changed much over the years, and doesn’t require much sparkle to function properly.
What’s the Good Word, and Is It Sexy?
I actually looked at the traffic before I looked at the breakdown of subforums, so I was a little bit surprised by what I found. Most of the adult message boards I review around here focus on file sharing, especially the more popular ones. With a million users, I’d wrongly assumed this was going to be another porno swap meet.
Seems I was painting with too broad a brush. The FreeOnes.com discussion forum hosts a wide variety of sex- and porn-related conversations. While you will find a ton of X-rated pics and videos, this isn’t the kind of forum where every post has a Keep2Share link to download a movie. I feel like the setup of the average forum lends itself to collectors looking to settle in for a fap a little later after a download session, while the FreeOnes forum will be of more use to those who are horny right now.
The breakdown of Free Ones subforums is a bit different than you find on the typical porn-sharing forums. I think it’s simpler. They’ve got the expected About subs for FAQs, updates, news, help and legal concerns, though there’s very little activity in any of them. There’s also a handful of forums labeled For The Curious, where you’ll find discussions on shemale pornstars and gay porn sites.
Most of the activity takes place in a batch of subforums simply labeled FreeOnes. Watch That Video is one of the most popular subforums here, with close to half a million messages in threads with titles like Interracial Lesbian Clips, Pantyhose Ripping, Hairy Women and Anal Penetration. As you’ve probably guessed, the posts consist of porn and discussions about that porn.
One of the things that really strikes me about the FreeOnes.com forum is that it really is a genuine discussion board. There’s very little chitchat on the average adult message board, but this place is full of fans and connoisseurs voicing their opinion. A Watch That Video thread on lesbian anal scenes offers not just examples, but recommendations on starlets who perform these types of scenes.
Porn Nerds Almost as Knowledgeable as Myself
Other boards under the Free Ones banner include such self-explanatory discussions as Favorite Babes, Identify/Name the Babe, Erotic Stories and Fantasies and Celebrity News. The most popular sub is Games and Stuff, which is kind of ironic because most of the threads talk about SFW games. They’ve also got a board for Adult Pay Site Reviews, just in case you need a second or third opinion after reading what I’ve got to say here at ThePornDude.
I got curious if anybody had written up a review of my other site, PornDudeCasting. Nobody has done a full writeup just yet, but I did find some fans writing about my work on the Favorite Babes and Watch That Video boards. There are dozens of messages about PornDudeCasting, typically containing at least a little bit of content to shake your dick at.
The wealth of free content is definitely one of the big draws for the Free Ones forums. While download links are relatively rare compared to elsewhere, almost every post is full of nudie pics and sex videos. Content is often offsite, so you’ll have to follow a link and open a new tab, which shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for anybody but the most OCD weirdos.
For example, somebody mentioned my video with Jessica Starling in a thread about titfucks with hands-free finish. The poster included a RedGifs link so you can watch me stuffing my hot dog between her buns until they’re thoroughly sauced. A thread about Sarah Jessie on the Favorite Babes board included a link to her scene on PornDudeCasting. Even if you haven’t signed up for an account, you still get a 47-second sample of me nailing the gal. Likewise in threads about Savannah Bond, Aria Valenica, Penelope Kay, Coco Lovelock and a bunch of other visitors I’ve had. (What can I say? I’m a stud!)
The FreeOnes forum is a hell of a resource for masturbators for a variety of reasons. It’s obviously useful as a smut source if you’re actively cranking off, but I’m also impressed by the sheer volume of actual information you’ll find here. Boards like Porn Scene and Model Requests, as well as Name the Babe, can help fans figure out who their favorite starlets are and find more of that precious masturbatory gold.
Case in point, somebody last month was looking for a video they once saw of Little Caprice fucking an old guy. They’d seen GIFs but couldn’t find the full scene anywhere. Their question went unanswered for two weeks, at which point somebody else posted a link to the original video, along with some bad news: the images that had enticed OP in the first place had been doctored, because she doesn’t actually blow a grandpa in the original scene.
Free Ones ain’t the only forum where people post questions like this, but it is one of the only ones where the questions actually get answered regularly. I see so many unfulfilled Request threads on other forums that it’s almost a joke at this point. Bump. Bump. Bump. Is anybody reading this? Bump. Bump. Please, I know somebody knows who she is! Bump. Anybody?
The FreeOnes.com message board is one of few I can point out where actual discussion is taking place. That alone is going to make it more appealing to porn fans who appreciate a bit of chatter with their nudes and sex scenes, as well as making it a go-to spot for those trying to put a name to a face or a pair of boobs. Like any good adult forum, it's also a goldmine of explicit content, with porn fans constantly sharing their stashes and gushing about their favorites.